Friday, 11 September 2015

PDF⋙ Lion Journal (Animal Journals) by Carolyn Franklin

Lion Journal (Animal Journals) by Carolyn Franklin

Lion Journal (Animal Journals)

Lion Journal (Animal Journals) by Carolyn Franklin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Journey to Africa and learn all about lions through this engaging day-to-day safari 'journal', written as though you were really there. Follow a pride of lions in their natural habitat and observe their daily activities with the help of your own personal guide. This highly informative book teaches children about these fascinating and endangered animals, exploring their habitat, social behaviour and hunting techniques, as well as their relationship with human beings. A combination of fascinating facts, 'hand-written' diary entries, high-quality sketches and beautiful photographs gives the unique feel of a real-life journal. This enviromentally-aware series is designed to appeal through a first-person narrative format that will encourage children to think about vulnerable animals and endangered species, focusing on what we can do to help preserve the environment and how we can protect these beautiful animals.

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