Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics by Constantine Pozrikidis
Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics by Constantine Pozrikidis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
C++ has grown rapidly in response to the practical need for a programming language that is able to efficiently handle composite and diverse data types. Today, C++ dominates the commercial market and is favored among application developers. Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics offers a venue for rapidly learning the language by concisely revealing its grammar, syntax and main features, and by explaining the key ideas behind object oriented programming (OOP) with emphasis on scientific computing. The book reviews elemental concepts of computers and computing, describes the primary features of C++, illustrates the use of pointers and user-defined functions, analyzes the construction of classes, and discusses graphics programming based on VOGLE and OpenGL. This essential reference provides a brief introduction to C++ for scientists, engineers, professionals and students already familiar with the general principles of computer programming.From reader reviews:
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